Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Yey! After so many days of waiting, I finally have these. I'm gonna be reading these for the summer break.. I just do hope I have the time. Thank God. (",)
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Can't beliv I'll be joining my second camp with special kids this summer! Though I'm glad I had been grouped on my fave color, I'm gonna miss my former groupmates (I miss them already! ) especially our senior counselor who's very diligent and caring... The last training day before a new volunteer could attend the camp was the overnyt. I could still remember the night I smelled like a catsup (that's a part of the initiation rites) when I was a new volunteer back then. I apologize for those I had wiped off the faces with charcoals, but I ain't sorry. We enjoyed it. Ahaha! *laugh* Then, we had the bonfire wherein we took oath for our responsibilities in the camp.
I was not able to get a good night sleep and I was starving during the morning so I stopped over 7-11 to feed my starving tummy. (Well I was actually comtemplating on something I reluct to discuss-a secret I've been trying to keep.hush. hush.)

Friday, March 20, 2009
Whew! There isn't really anything new to write about- school, studies. It's always 'bout school stuffs. But if S is for school, can't it be also for Summer break?!? It's been a year since I had my most wonderful (so far) summer getaway. Though it seems dim to have another one again this year. Still keeping my fingers crossed though. Nwei, I've been thinking some plans to kill time this coming summer. I've been planning to read Twilight series, do some artworks like sketch, paint, or a scrapbook, have thorough research for the thesis. But before I can do that, I have to attend our annual summer camp for children with special needs. Though the initial plan of holding it in Palawan was changed and will be held on Pampanga instead, it didn't keep me from goin'. Most of my friends know that I've been active in the organization since I started. I actually had not thought of leaving it but there are some tough decisions I have to make. I hope I don't sound bragging but in my one year so far of volunteering, I have done all I could to fulfill all my duties. I think it's about time that I should be fair to myself. I know the sacrifices and selfless efforts are finally paying off but I cannot voluntarily give a part of me that in itself is lacking. I have already set aside the self-pity, I wanna be fair also to people who are concern about what's happening in my body. I haven't been fair to them. I'll be always believing that it's still one of the best jobs one could ever fulfill but doin' sumthing that can compromise yourself is sumthing I have thought about. I won't be gone forever. I'll be back when I'm ready. I'll be putting on some weight this summer. ^-^
Monday, March 16, 2009
I believe that though most of our struggles in life are solitary, they could never be endured without those people we lean on, people who side to us when it feels like everything's crap. We face through different trials and each of us has his own way of getting back on track. So, I decided to do this blog entry to let my friends know how grateful I am for having them around. What I've gone through's more than what people have been thinkin' of.
[+] Thanks to:
Darren, for spending hours with me. Thanks for bein' nice.
Sarah and Cindy for the all the initiative. Small things mean a lot to me.
Ehca, for the silence during those "times". It was more curing than words.
Janina & daffz, you don't know how much your visits touched us. The sympathy's deeply felt.
Nica, who never fails to cheer me up when I'm in blue. Thanks for seeing and believing the best in me.
Kuya Ysh, for the heartfelt concern when I was sick and for the flowers during my niece's funeral. You'll always be a big bro to me. Don't go changing.
Tine, who's been with me through thick and thin, when I'm up, down, and in-between, for the initiative, for cheering me up when I'm down, and for having faith on what I'm capable of doing. Glad you spent time with Justine before she passed away.
God Bless your hearts. Though we will part ways for the years to come, always know that we'll be friends by
. Thank you. I will miss you.

[+] Thanks to:

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